How To Lose Weight Fast – Weight Loss Clinic Ideal Protein Orlando Vero Beach

How To Lose Weight Fast

Are you serious about how to lose weight fast? Then read on, because it’s very easy to get sucked into an “easy solution” that ends up with you wasting your money and making you even more sick with potentially devastating affects on your life.

If You Believe Pills or Potions Are  How To Lose Weight Fast, You’re Simply Not Serious About Change

Too often people with excess weight or obesity are lured by a “weight loss easy button” or they end up doing something extreme such as bariatric surgery without really being given a fighting chance. It’s disheartening because in many cases they simply couldn’t find the right help.

A lack of self-esteem or motivation can lead you into weight loss traps that could have serious consequences on your life down the road or immediate in some cases. What we find at our clinics is that when somebody struggling with weight finds a professional that truly cares about them and whose only goal is to help them with food as their medicine, amazing things can happen.

Unfortunately, the market is rife with how to lose weight fast solutions that lack the ability to help you make any meaningful lifestyle changes, especially self-administered diets or potions sold in stores, online or through pyramid schemes.

3 ways we know your serious about how to lose weight fast

  1. Losing weight is not just a goal of yours, it’s the top priority in your life right now and you’re willing to sacrifice conveniences or luxuries in your life
  2. You refuse (possibly after finding out the hard way) to be naive enough to believe a pill or potion can solve problems that weren’t caused by a pill or a potion
  3. You are ready to ask for the help of a reputable health care professional whose program is focused around lifestyle modification

Why is the help of a reputable professional with a comprehensive lifestyle modification service key to losing weight fast?


They say a man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. Well… we may not be that harsh with a man who wants to lose weight without any professional help, but research says that professional weight loss help results in better outcomes in both the short and long-term.

accountability_weight_loss_professionalMany people can live with the disappointment of failing themselves, but when they fail others… it’s a bit tougher to accept, so generally people will make more effort when they are held accountable.

Imagine what would happen if there were no tests to take in school. Sure you might study if and when you’re interested, but when there’s no consequence for not studying except your own lack of knowledge, it would be easy to blow off. But knowing that you will be tested and your score will determine if you pass the class, that’s the most basic example of accountability.

Persons that don’t want to be held accountable to anyone are not really serious about how to lose weight fast.

Knowledge To Decipher Between Science and Gimmicks

Knowledge is power, but only if you know how to implement the knowledge. Weight loss professionals who use reputable methods based in science (drug-free methods focused on biochemistry and behavior change) are not amused with the myriad of controversial weight loss aids being used in the marketplace. No provider we work with uses such devices because they know these are just gimmicks and do not result in the best long-term health for clients.

Beware of HCG and B12 Shots Marketed As Weight Loss Aids

Two common weight loss aids that have no credible research to support their effectiveness are HCG and B12 shots. Do an Internet search for interventional studies on HCG injections and you’ll find NO significant affect on weight loss beyond the calorie restrictions in any of the independent studies on the subject. One would think an FDA warning specifically prohibiting HCG to be used as a weight loss aid would deter any health professional.

Why would any licensed health care professional use these weight loss gimmicks? Because they lack either commitment to… or understanding of… the business of weight loss (or both).

What business are they in?

A convenience store that sets a box of 5 hour energy on the counter has no interest in teaching people how to have convenience store weight lossmore energy naturally in their lives because they are in the convenience business, not the health care business.

We firmly believe that we’re in the health care business, not the convenience business. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make therapeutic lifestyle modifications as convenient as possible, which leads us to…

Powerful But Safe Weight Loss Tools

The best weight loss professionals have the most effective and safe tools to help you. We don’t want to prescribe you a weight loss drug, we ‘prescribe” lifestyle change with a proven plan and tools that allow you to succeed.

Our preference is always to use methods that are drug-free and surgery-free. It’s extremely difficult for the focus of any weight loss program to be long-term weight control if a drug or supplement cocktail is central to getting started. You’re effectively saying that food alone cannot solve a problem caused by food. Outside of rare medial conditions this simply doesn’t make sense.

How to lose weight fast is provide tools, education and support that allow you to leverage the power of your own biochemistry.

In this free online workshop, you will learn the principals behind this methodology. You will also get insight on the proprietary tools and technology we use.

A problem created by food is solved with food. It sounds simple, and it is. The trick is how to consistently make the right food choices. We can connect you with professionals with a proven methodology that is also realistic, practical and affordable from Tampa Bay, Orlando, Jacksonville, Daytona, Vero Beach, Deland, Ocala, Gainesville, Bradenton, Sarasota,  to The Villages and many more communities across the state of Florida.


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